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CMS Questions? We Can Help

Content management should be about leveraging what the Web medium is best at--change. Updating your Web site shouldn't be a chore nor require a Computer Science degree. Content Management Systems (CMS) have long been promoted as the key to putting Web content creation in the hands of content creators and freeing Web professionals to focus on important site management and growth tasks.

The PINT CMS Approach

PINT's approach to content management is never a one size fits all solution. Web sites should adapt to businesses or augment organizational processes, not force people to adopt processes defined by a software package. When PINT assists organizations in choosing a CMS the first key is suitability and flexibility. PINT CMS solutions are:

  • Platform Neutral
  • User Centric
  • Organizational Focused
  • Cost and Size Appropriate
  • Commercial or Open Source

Selecting the appropriate solution is the first step in deploying a CMS system. Cost, size, feature, and platform considerations help clarify what the most appropriate solution is to a particular Web job, from open source blogging or CMS software to enterprise class CMSes, PINT has deployed and customized it. Read more of our thoughts on CMS selection.

A Unique PINT Solution

We can adapt an existing CMS or even deploy our own flexible Web platform dubbed the PINT Web Platform (PWP) which encompasses many of the needs of our corporate clients.

PINT's custom PWP Solution has a focus on common corporate Web needs including:

  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Product Catalog
  • E-commerce
  • Recruiting
  • Press Relations
  • Investor Relations
  • Contact Collection
  • Multisite Management
  • Localized Site Management
  • Extranets
  • Microsites
  • Automated Marketing Services
  • Analytics

PINT's PWP brings a complete framework to build a business online well beyond simple content management. It is cost effective and compares strongly with many of the largest CMSes out there, but it is just one tool in a vast arsenal that PINT can bring in executing *your* site strategy

Control your website. Contact us today for more content management solutions information and pricing.