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Thomas Powell

PINT Founder and President


PINT Founder and President Thomas Powell is a long-time Internet and Web industry veteran. After a stint at CERFnet in the early '90s, he founded Powell Internet Consulting (later renamed PINT), a Web and network consulting services firm, in 1994. The firm has grown over the years to become a well-respected industry player in corporate Web site development, with clients dating from the late 1990s. Thomas continues to teach classes in Web development and design at UCSD Extension. He is also an instructor for the UCSD Computer Science Department, where he teaches classes in Web design theory, Web Programming, and the theory of programming languages.

Thomas is well-published; his work has appeared in leading industry magazines, including Network World, Communications Week, Internet Week, and NetGuide, as well online sites such as ZDNet. He continues to publish regularly in Network World and is a member of the prestigious Network World Test Alliance. Thomas has published numerous books on Web technology and design, including the upcoming Ajax: The Complete Reference and the best-selling Web Design: The Complete Reference, HTML: The Complete Reference, JavaScript: The Complete Reference, and the highly influential Web Site Engineering. His books have been translated into more than twelve languages and are used around the world in industry and college settings.

The core of PINT's philosophy and focus on execution comes from his commitment to continue pushing the Web development industry, both commercially and academically. Thomas Powell has a BS in Math Applied Science from UCLA and an MS in Computer Science from UCSD.

Current Classes
UCSD Computer Science Department (1999 - Date)

  • CSE 135: Server Side Web Programming
  • CSE 134B: Client-Side Web Programming
  • CSE 130: Programming Language Principles and Paradigms
  • CSE 190: Advanced Topics in Web Design

UCSD Extension Information Technologies Program (1993 - Date)

  • Web Publishing 1: Introduction to HTML/XHTML and Site Design
  • Web Publishing 2: Intermediate XHTML and CSS
  • Web Publishing 3: Web Design and Usability
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Introduction to PHP
  • Introduction to Ajax Advanced JavaScript
  • AJAX Application Development Advanced JavaScript
  • Intensive Markup: Advanced XHTML and CSS

In the past, Thomas has taught for Platt College, San Diego HyperMedia Center, and privately for a variety of organizations including AMN, Fair Issac, Qualcomm, GDE Systems, and many others. His subject matter has primarily focused on Web development principles, core Web technologies such as HTML/XHTML/XML, CSS, JavaScript, and Ajax, as well as site usability practices, Web site acceleration, and Web best practices. To arrange private training, contact PINT sales or join a UCSD Extension Class. Extension classes are held quarterly but tend to fill quickly.

Most of the latest Network World articles can be found at (Outdated) or in the articles section of this Web site. A list of book-sized works include:

  • XHTML and CSS: The Complete Reference (5th Edition)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Fall 2008 
  • Ajax: The Complete Reference
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, February 2008
  • JavaScript: The Complete Reference (Second Edition)
    (with Fritz Schneider, formerly of PINT, now of Google)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, June 2004
  • HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Fouth Edition)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2003
  • HTML: The Complete Reference (Third Edition)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2002
  • Web Design: The Complete Reference (Second Edition)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Sept 2002
  • JavaScript: The Complete Reference
    (with Fritz Schneider of PINT and Google)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Sept 2001
  • Web Design: The Complete Reference
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, May 2000
  • HTML Programmer's Reference (Second Edition)
    (with Dan Whitworth of PINT) Osborne/McGraw-Hill, May 1999
  • HTML: The Complete Reference (Second Edition)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, March 1999
  • Web Site Engineering: Beyond Web Page Design
    (with Dominique Cutts and David L. Jones)
    Prentice-Hall, Spring 1998
  • HTML Programmer's Reference
    (with Dan Whitworth of PINT)
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, May 1998
  • HTML: The Complete Reference
    Osborne/McGraw-Hill, December 1997
  • Educator's Internet Yellow Pages
    (with Ron Place and Klaus Dimmler)
    Prentice Hall, 1996