Aqueon, a division of Central Garden & Pet, launches a new website
Posted: 05.01.07Aqueon™, the premium brand of fish products from Central Aquatics, a division of Central Garden & Pet®, launches a new website: Aqueon is a leading producer of aquariums and aquatic products designed to enhance the fish-owning experience. From nutritious food and water care to filters and aquariums, Aqueon products help the beginning to intermediate level fish hobbyist create and maintain a thriving environment for their fresh water fish.
" is all about the fish. It's user friendly and accessible to fish hobbyists across the country," says Ken Goff, Central Aquatics' vice president of marketing. "We designed this website to be helpful and educational in providing information to help our customers make better decisions on which products are best for their aquarium and their fish."
The Aqueon site is one of sixteen Central Pet brands maintained through PINT Inc.'s Web Platform. PINT's Web Platform offers the flexibility to grow and expand quickly and strategically as Central acquires new pet brands.
With just a click of their mouse, any aquarium hobbyist can see the latest developments in aquarium technology, the most recent aquarium news and events, a store locator for Aqueon products, and a community where beginners and advanced hobbyists alike can share information and ideas. The PINT Web Platform enables Aqueon to own the management and delivery of its content and to evolve its website to satisfy future business needs, without overdependence on IT services.
The site design reinforces the new branding and showcases the extensive product line with the aquarium hobbyist in mind, and offers the ability to find fish products ranging from food and filters to tanks and water care. Retailers will benefit from such features as the ability to download high-resolution images and an area to post events, sales and promotions.
The home page highlights a featured product and offers a product quick find, as well as access to the new product showcase, the Pet University site, and the option to sign up for the e-newsletter. The E-News preference center was custom designed for Central Pet, making it easy for users to sign up for one or more specific areas of interest, and to receive email newsletters containing the latest articles and educational information about their pets as well as the brands. An opt-in email and newsletter feature, hosted by Exact Target, measures the success of ROI.
The website also provides education on aquariums and fish with articles that focus on some of the finer points of fishkeeping. Technical specifications that contain downloadable conversion charts help determine which products will work best with your aquarium. Plus, FAQs answer basic aquarium set-up and maintenance questions.