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Believe it or not, when we aren’t building sites we do actually get out and do things. Discover the latest PINT happenings beyond the launch.

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01.20.10PINT CEO Talks Mobile Web Development

04.06.09Network World: "15 secrets of next-gen browsers" Garners Award for Best Site

11.04.08PINT, Inc., Announces New Online Community for Pet Lovers by Kaytee Products, Inc.

04.08.08PINT Site Selected as 2008 Webby Awards Honoree

03.18.08Digg's Feature on Firefox 3 links NetworkWorld and

01.24.08PINT unveils new Web site and identity for 2008

11.27.06Round 2: Testing Firefox 2 against IE 7

02.15.04PINT Wins Health Care Communicators Award for Biogen IDEC Zevalin Clinical Investigator Extranet

12.19.03PINT Publishes HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition

05.29.03PINT Selected for USD Campus Web Site Design

12.01.02PINT Joins Prestigious World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

06.05.02PINT Founder Featured Speaker at 2002 NIRI Annual Conference

09.20.01PINT Founder Completes JavaScript Reference Text

09.20.01PINT Recognized as High-Tech Leader, selected as AeA High-Tech Finalist

07.06.01PINT Selected by ViewSonic Corporation to Design and Manage Web Site

12.22.00HTML: The Complete Reference Enters Third Edition

05.12.00Web Design: The Complete Reference Hits Bookstore Shelves

11.05.99PINT Pens Link-Testing Review for Network World

07.23.99PINT Founder to Write Web Design Reference

06.21.99PINT Founder Launches WebTrends Column

03.10.99HTML: The Complete Reference Moves Into Second Edition

01.29.99PINT Founder Profiled in San Diego Magazine

01.12.99ORINCON Selects PINT for Web Site Redesign

01.08.99PINT Honored by Greater San Diego Chamber of Commerce

10.15.98PINT in Print: 3 Books Earn High Praise and Steady Sales

09.25.98PINT Signs With Kyocera for Web Site Redesign and Upgrade

04.27.98Web Site Engineering Book Published

03.30.98PINT Founder Addresses XML 98 Conference

03.16.98PINT to Restructure Site for Proxima

01.01.98PINT Founder Writes Definitive HTML Reference

06.18.97PINT to Develop New Look for IRORI Web Site